Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods

Following consultation on draft guidance in summer 2023, the Scottish Government has published guidance on Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods on 25 April 2024. The finalised version takes account of the consultation themes and the independent analysis of responses and is intended to assist planning authorities, communities, businesses and others with key roles in delivering local living.

The guidance presents a Local Living Framework which together with a list of key considerations will support the implementation of local living, ensuring that daily needs can be met appropriately in a place. It is designed to complement tools and resources already available for placemaking and design, including the Place Standard Tool and the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes.

The guidance also introduces a structured approach to the delivery of local living in a Scottish context, recognising the incremental nature of delivery, the need for a clear understanding of context and the role of the Place Principle to help deliver places that support a good quality of life and balance our environmental impact.

A range of case studies are also presented within the guidance illustrating the implementation of local living across a variety of scales, contexts and geographic locations.

Access the guidance here

Planning & Designing Places

Making the right decisions about how our places are designed and planned is essential if communities are to benefit from the quality of life that a vibrant and thriving 20 minute neighbourhood can provide.

Learn more about the planning & design of good places
Illustration of pedestrians walking along a street


Housing is the building block of our communities. The quality, affordability and design of our homes has an important influence on our health and wellbeing

Learn more about housing

Moving Around

How we move around a place can influence our health and levels of activity, our impact on the environment, our ability to connect with each other and with facilities, and the layout and attractiveness of our communities.

Learn more about moving around

Town Centres & Local Services

Town centres, local centres and community services such as schools, health centres and shops provide many of the essential services and opportunities that we access daily and inform our sense of identity and belonging.

Learn more about town centres


Our relationship with green space is important for people’s health and for the environment. Green spaces, such as parks and open spaces are a vital part of communities, providing places for socialising, interaction and events, and opportunities for children to play.

Learn more about greenspace here