A Guide to Getting Better Streets and Pavements for communities in Scotland.

Many people have difficulty reporting problems in their area that stop or discourage them from getting out and about – such as poor pavements, missing crossing points and badly parked cars. If they do report a problem, they often find that nothing is done. This guide has been written to give you the information you need to take effective action to improve your local streets and pavements. From reporting a broken paving slab to overflowing litter bins and making the case for a new pedestrian crossing or bench – this guide outlines who to contact, how to contact them and how to explain the problem to get a result.

Prioritising the needs of people who require more from the quality of the spaces they walk in means streets and spaces that are accessible, safe, and appealing for everyone. The guide has been co-produced with residents at several Trust Housing Association properties. They have helped write this guide and have tried out some of the advice – securing a new path and gate, pavement resurfacing, dropped kerbs and changes to crossing times in the process.

The guide was co-produced with residents at Trust Housing Association

Living_Streets_Taking_Action_Resource_Screen_Single Page v6 small.pdf (livingstreets.org.uk)

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