The way we plan and design the built environment can have a profound impact on people’s health and wellbeing. By working together and taking a ‘whole systems approach’, Scottish public authorities can improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities.

The briefing is primarily aimed at land use planners and public health practitioners but will be relevant to others working in the areas of the built and natural environment, health and wellbeing, or community planning. It may also help anyone with an interest in land use planning and public health to understand both the wider context in which they operate and how they could help to deliver wider public benefits.

This briefing has been developed by the Spatial Planning, Health and Wellbeing Collaborative. Its members are representatives from Directors of Public Health, Public Health Scotland, the Improvement Service, COSLA, Heads of Planning Scotland, the Health Improvement Managers Network and Edinburgh University.

Place and wellbeing: integrating land use planning (

A webinar with authors of the report "Place and Wellbeing: integrating land use planning and public health in Scotland" explaining the report in more detail is available:

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