Participatory budgeting enables local people to decide on the issues that matter to them.

The Improvement Service (IS) has developed an Elected Members Briefing Series to help elected members keep pace with key issues affecting local government.

COSLA and Scottish Government have agreed a framework to work together to have at least 1% of council budgets subject to participatory budgeting (PB) by 2021. This ensures local decision-making and the commitment to work together with wider public and third sector partners.

PB helps citizens to understand public spending, put forward their own ideas and vote on them. PB is recognised internationally as a way for local people to have a direct say in how, and where, public funds can be used to address local needs. PB empowers citizens, builds trust in democracy and can improve the way public money is spent. It has been best described as: ‘If it feels like we’ve decided, it’s PB. If it feels like someone else has decided, it isn’t’.

The briefing is available here: Elected Member Briefing Note: Mainstream Particpatory Budgeting (

All briefing notes in the series can be accessed at: 

Elected Member Guidance and Briefings | Improvement Service

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