See how the tool has been used in City Districts

This set of case studies shows how the tool has been used to address issues specific to City Districts. This includes two imaginative examples of engagement: imagery used with Place Standard themes to engage non-English speakers in Dundee and a giant wheel used on street corners in Leith.

Case studies are based on survey inputs from:

Dundee City Council

Leith Creative

These examples show how the tool can be adapted to engage with particular population groups. In both Leith and Dundee this has helped to engage seldom heard groups; young people, ethnic minorities and the elderly in particular. There is

evidence from the work in Dundee that this has widened participation in planning consultation to include previously un-engaged parts of the city. This illustrates the simplicity of structure of the tool helping to break down complex problems, encouraging communities to influence planning processes.

Key learning points

The tool is engaging and has helped involve new groups in the planning process and to widen participation.

Specific impacts have included improving green networks in Dundee and an updated Leith Docks Development Framework.

Good preparation has been beneficial, as in Dundee, where Place Standard themes have been mapped into relevant policies. This established the relevance of the tool from the outset, helping with subsequent ownership and adoption.

It has helped to be adaptable in the way that the tool is applied and we noted the portable approach in particular; taking the tool to where people are, as in both cases, rather than relying on consultation events.

The use of illustrations was also notable in Dundee, helping non-English speakers understand the themes

Place Standard at City District Scale

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