This briefing is one in a series raising awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls (VAWG).

The Improvement Service (IS) has developed an Elected Members Briefing Series to help elected members keep pace with key issues affecting local government. This briefing is one in a series raising awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and highlighting some of the good practice around Scotland in tackling VAWG and gender inequality.

Specifically, this briefing aims to highlight the need to tackle violence against women and girls in order to achieve Scotland’s public health priorities. This briefing shows that all forms of VAWG are linked to Scotland’s new Public Health priorities, and suggests how elected members can consider these links in their work in their local communities.

Elected Member Briefing Note: Violence against women is a public health issue (

All Improvement Service briefing notes in the series can be accessed at: 

Elected Member Guidance and Briefings | Improvement Service

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