Adapting to change

Climate adaptation is about taking action to increase our resilience to the impacts of climate change. The effects of flooding, coastal erosion, increased temperatures, drought and storms are putting pressure on our economy, society and environment which must be addressed. Regardless of our success at reducing new greenhouse gas emissions, the many impacts of past emissions are already locked-in and will lead to changes for decades to come.

The Scottish National Adaptation Plan (2024-2029) sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to these impacts. The plan envisions five long-term outcomes for our natural environment, communities, public services, economy, as well our international role. Throughout each outcome and supporting objectives there is a focus on place-based adaptation, recognising the importance of avoiding a ‘one size fits all’ approach in tackling the diverse impacts of climate change.

The embedding of the Place Principle in the Adaptation Plan’s Communities outcome strengthens the basis for place-based adaptation, including through the use of the Place Standard Tool with a climate lens. The impacts of climate change will not be equal and are likely to particularly affect communities who already face disadvantage. By taking a place-based approach, we can ensure that each place is planned, designed and managed not just to suit the needs and aspirations of the people who live there but to be resilient to the changing climate.

The National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) sets out Scotland’s long-term spatial strategy for a net-zero Scotland by 2045. NPF4 is also central to the Adaptation Plan’s outcome Nature Connects. By recognising the twin crises of climate change and nature loss, NPF4 offers direction on ‘where’ and ‘what’ development should take place at a national level, and is combined with national planning policy on ‘how’ development planning should manage change such as climate change. Action on adaptation is supported through NPF4 policies on biodiversity, soils, nature networks, coastal change management, adapting to extreme temperatures, blue-green infrastructure, green infrastructure for play provision, and flood and water management.

This page provides more information on Scottish Government policies and background information on climate adaptation.

Adaptation Scotland

The Adaptation Scotland programme provides advice and support to help organisations, businesses and communities prepare for, and build resilience to these impacts.

Their team of adaptation experts is on hand to offer advice, and link organisations, businesses and communities to tools, resources and projects that can help them adapt.

Adaptation Scotland is a programme funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by the sustainability charity Sniffer.

Access the Adaptation Scotland website here

Adaptation Scotland - Climate Ready Places

Adaptation Scotland have developed a Climate Ready Places tool that explores what ‘Scottish’ places adapting to climate change would look like. The tool includes six typical Scottish places – Uplands, Lowlands, Coast, Infrastructure, Suburbs and City, and shows possible adaptation actions.

Access the Climate Ready Places tool here

Community Climate Adaptation Routemap

The Community Climate Adaptation Routemap is a practical guide to help communities adapt to climate change. No matter what kind of community you are, there are actions you can take to build resilience, prepare for climate change, and make your area healthier, safer, and more comfortable for people and wildlife.

This Routemap offers clear steps for local action groups, community councils, and development trusts to build their resilience to climate change.

Access the Routemap here

NatureScot Adaptation Principles

The NatureScot site contains helpful information on nature’s capacity to adapt to change as one of our best tools for managing climate change impacts.

Access the NatureScot information on adaptation principles

NatureScot on Climate Impacts

NatureScot, Scotland's nature agency, has information on the impacts of climate change on a wide range of issues, including habitats, landscapes, species, geodiversity and people and our economy.

Access the NatureScot information on climate impacts