Climate Mitigation

Climate mitigation refers to reducing the amount of greenhouses gases that we are producing and releasing into the air, or to increasing the storage of carbon, for example in peat lands.

This means encouraging low carbon lifestyles by supporting individuals to change behaviours, as well changing building and manufacturing processes.

The draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) is clear that our future net-zero, nature positive places will be more resilient to the impacts of climate change through transforming the way land and buildings are used, so that every decision contributes to making Scotland a more sustainable place.  Its six draft universal policies include: a plan led approach to sustainable development; and climate emergency. The draft thematic policies include: infrastructure first; 20 minute places; sustainable travel and transport; heat and cooling; green energy; zero waste; vacant and derelict land and buildings; rural places; trees; and peat.  

Community Climate Action Hubs pathfinders have been set up to support communities and facilitate networking.  

Scottish Government information on reducing greenhouse gas emissions sets out key commitments on heat decarbonisation, reducing kilometres travelled by car, planting woodland, peatland and the Green Jobs Fund.

Net Zero Nation

Net Zero Nation contains a wealth of information on climate issues relevant to Scotland. It has information on how individuals, communities and businesses can take action.

Access the Net Zero Nation website here


ClimateXChange (CXC) is Scotland's centre of expertise, connecting climate change research and policy.

CXC provide independent advice, research and analysis to support the Scottish Government as it develops and implements policies on adapting to the changing climate and the transition to a low carbon society.

CXC members have wide-ranging expertise on how to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, how different sectors can adapt to Scotland's changing climate, and how to create climate change policies that are fair and make the most of Scotland's assets.

Access the ClimateXChange website here

Nature Based Solutions

Nature-based solutions use nature to help tackle environmental and social challenges, providing benefits to people and nature, and help us to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

The NatureScot website contains helpful information on how working with natural cycles and processes can help mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Access information on Nature Based solutions here

Climate Action Towns

Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) is working on Climate Action Towns. The project aims to empower and support communities to take place-based climate action and builds on the Carbon Conscious Places report and Carbon Conscious Towns Case Studies. 

Learn more about Climate Action Towns

Carbon Conscious Places

Architecture and Design Scotland developed a Carbon Conscious Places report - an exploration into  designing for a changing climate, where practitioners use a whole place approach to meet the net zero carbon challenge.

Access the Carbon Conscious Places work here