Place based approaches have an important role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building resilience in our communities against the impacts of climate change.
Taking effective action will involve the participation of all interests and the development of partnerships and collaborations. It is key that local people are part of the changes which will build resilience against the impacts of climate change in our communities, our towns and cities.
Climate Mitigation
Climate mitigation refers to reducing the amount of greenhouses gases that we are producing and releasing into the air, or to increasing the storage of carbon, for example in peat lands. This means encouraging low carbon lifestyles by supporting individuals to change behaviours, as well changing building and manufacturing processes and land use.
Just Transition
The changes required to tackle climate change will be significant. The Climate Change Act 2019 embeds the principles of a just transition; this means that as we reduce our emissions and respond to a changing climate, our journey is fair and creates a better future for everyone – regardless of where they live, what they do, and who they are.
Practical resource - Place Standard tool with a Climate Lens
Good place-making is essential for designing a robust local response to the climate emergency, such as taking local action to cut emissions and to increase resilience to local climate change impacts.
The Place Standard with a Climate Lens has been developed to help people understand how climate change might play out in a local area and support them to design their future place with climate in mind.
It builds on the core Place Standard tool and is designed to support a joined up, collaborative, and participative approach to climate action within a place.
Our Themes
Click an image below to explore more of our themes